About The CD Information Center

The compact disc has been one of the major success stories of modern times. It is a highly technical device that has some of its primary roots in the fine arts. Self-contradiction and a melding of opposites are as much a part of CD manufacturing and publishing as polycarbonate, metal and silkscreened labels. CDs hold music, and they hold computer data, sometimes both, and sometimes they are the same thing.

This Web site is designed to be a place where many of the threads that compose the skein of disparate technologies, concepts and the arts in the story of CDs are gathered and woven into a coherent pattern. Here you will discover the ways CDs are made (there are more than one), and link to other companies in the industry. We plan to include some stories about the history of the medium and some of the people behind it as well as technical information, and suggest some ideas for using CDs and CD-ROMs.

Multimedia for entertainment, education and business owes at least part of its development to the large capacity and inexpensive distribution of compact discs. It is represented by articles on development tools and methods. Other applications include archiving and online or nearline storage and random access retrieval of massive amounts of data in every conceivable format, and distribution of everything from software to mailorder (or e-mailorder) electronic catalogs. Some pages on this site will explore the concept of mingled-media CD and online, which employ CD-ROMs for their large static datasets, and online links for updates and interactivity.

Obviously, there is an enormous amount of territory to cover. We hope you will visit us often to see what else we've added since your last visit. This site is expected to grow in many directions, embodying the spirit of the Web and hypertext along with the large storage potential native to its subject matter: compact discs in every format, and the companies and individuals who are creating and using them. Welcome!

The CD-Info Company is a business dedicated to providing independent research and information about CD technology and publishing through this online site, live and CD-based seminars and presentations, special reports, surveys, and standards work .

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© 1996 The CD-Info Company.